The Rights of Mother Earth / Nature in Latin America

Let’s imagine a new society that embraces life and nature.

Let us unite and build a great Community that understands human beings and Nature as a single fabric.

Welcome to this conversa where we will share experiences from different parts of our beloved Latin American continent / Abya Yala. We’ll share experiences about how the Rights of Mother Earth, Nature and the Good Life have been woven together, to inspire more acts like this in other lands and continents.

We are a diverse group of people, with different professions, gifts and talents, and as agents of change we bring the best of ourselves to this non-profit initiative – the Movement for the Rights of Mother Earth and Nature.

  • We aim to raise awareness of the responsibility to restore and protect life.
  • We want to safeguard the wellbeing and integral health of families and communities, and promote the recovery of the planetary balance between human beings and Nature.
  • We are based on a biocentric vision of life. Our purpose is to articulate, disseminate and activate strategic actions with the aim of promoting the transformation of territories towards the awareness of the restoration and care of our Mother Earth and Good Living.

We invite you to “Be the change you want to see in the world”.


Chile – Paola Benavides

Therapist, Activist and Educator

I am moved by the call to build awareness of caring for and protecting nature. I am driven by the Good Life and a Biocentric vision. Integral Therapist. Design of ecovillages and resilient communities. Communicator. Tutoring in Educa en consciencia.  Currently I am part of the Mother Earth-Nature Rights Movement Chile, and the International Movement.  Co-founder of the programme: Sanctuaries of Peace with the Rights of Mother Earth/Nature.


Chile – María Elena Van Yurick


48+ years of international experience supporting families and communities of diverse races and ethnicities, forging relationships of mutual support and collaboration to strengthen the family and community fabric for good living. Volunteer at Corporacion Reique, responsible for guardianship of the Reique Nature Reserve and community relations in the territory of Quitaqui, Humedal Rio Cruces, Valdivia, Chile. Volunteer at Mother Nature Earth Rights in Chile.


Chile – Veronica Sacta

Activist and initiator of the movement for the Rights of Mother Earth in Latin America

A Cañari descendent, Veronica has been an activist from a very young age. Now she travels around Latin America activating social projects for socio-environmental and cultural change, promoting ecological awareness. Educator, ecofeminist and pillar of the Guardianes de la Tierra Council of Visions.


Colombia – Juan Sebastian Acosta Estrada

Weaver, researcher, walker, activist

Born in Muisca territory, near Bogotá, Colombia. Visual artist, graduate of the National University of Colombia.  Founder of the Alliance for the Rights of Nature Colombia and its Multidisciplinary Research Network. Director of the III International Forum for the WDDM (2019), public policy advisor on WDM in the Council of Bogotá. Facilitator of Global Alliance for Rights of Nature in Latin America.


Mexico – Luis Alberto Precoma

Weaver and representative of the Rights of Mother Earth/Nature (DMT/N) in the following organisations: To the International Banner of Peace Committee in the International Alliance for the Rights of Mother Earth/Nature (DMT/N).  The Council for Sustainable Settlements of Latin America (CASA Latina).  Ancestral Council of Abya yala Unified (CAAU).  Co-founder of the programme Sanctuaries of Peace with the DMT/N.


Mexico – Claudia Brindis

Expert and Facilitator at continental level for the UN Harmony with Nature Programme, and Operational Director for Earth Law Center Mexico.
Co-Founder of the 1st International Forum on the Rights of Mother Earth in Mexico (2016), supporting the inclusion of the WDDM in the Constitution of Mexico City (2017) and in the Constitution of the State of Oaxaca (2021).



Brazil – Fabiana Leme & Naiara Tukano

Lawyer specializing in Environmental Law, MAPAS collaborator in the movement for the Rights of Nature, Master’s student in Theory, Production and Experience of Space at the School of Architecture of the UFMG. Research possibilities of permeability of Urban Planning by Law, seeking to integrate worldviews that come to converge in city and forest.






Event Details

  • August 24th, 2022
  • 1-3pm Colombia and México, 2-4pm Chile, 3-5pm Brasil, 6-8pm UTC, 7-9pm London